Utility Arboriculture is the fastest growing sector of the Arboriculture industry. The Electricity Utilities that run and operate electricity distribution networks (NOs) have been under increasing pressure to keep their overhead line networks free from interference by trees and other vegetation. Since the amendment of the Electricity Safety Quality & Continuity (ESQC) Regulations in 2006, the obligation to manage trees and vegetation on pro-active cycles and minimize unplanned service interruptions by trees, even in extreme adverse weather conditions, have become statutory obligations.
Most of the trees that the NOs have to prune, fell or otherwise manage belong to private landowners, who are at times reluctant to allow the NOs to do any work on their trees. The Utilities need professional Arboricultural expertise to negotiate with landowners and stake holders but few actually employ Arboriculturists.
Chris Gill Tree Surgery has extensive knowledge in providing vegetation management across the entire Electrical Utility sector. We are currently working for the National Grid Power Distribution network between Durham & Hexham on 400kv network.
Utility arboriculture represents an estimated £150 million of arboricultural work in the UK each year adjacent to electricity supplies, plus work adjacent to rail, waterways and telecommunications networks.